Better Eating Equals Better Grades: The Relationship of Nutrition and Education
Celebrate World Food Day as Dave shares the correlation between improving nutrition and improving education. Although dated, this infograph — provided by the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) — shines a spotlight on “World Food Day’ on October 16th. GAIN is an independent, non-profit foundation based in Geneva, Switzerland and was developed at the United Nations […]
It’s Always a Good Time for Pizza . . . and for Lean Six Sigma
Another yummy blog from our sales guy Dave Knowles. See why he thinks you should Take a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt to Lunch and why the lunch should be pizza!!! #itsalwaysagoodtimeforpizza Right up front I must confess . . . I LOVE ALL KINDS OF PIZZA! The pizza can be frozen, homemade, chain-store or independent […]
What Do Barbeque (BBQ) and Lean Six Sigma (LSS) have in Common?
Please enjoy this wonderful post from our sales guy and burgeoning blogger Dave Knowles. Many of you may know that in his former life Dave was Director of Dining Services and Summer Conferences at Washington College. Dave helps us celebrate National Barbeque month with a “tasty” look at what barbeque and Lean Six Sigma have in […]
A Lean Christmas Carol
“Everything is different and yet everything is the same”. This is a phrase I heard a couple of years ago from a man I was helping in reference to a tool he had just borrowed. At the time, I grinned, said ‘yes sir’, and thought that was a silly thing to say. What a major […]
LEAN Frog – Outsourced Continuous Improvement or How We Do It
LEAN Frog has saved school systems in the southeastern United States over $80 million dollars over the last six years. I am often asked by superintendents and school board members how we do it and what exactly we do. These are good questions. Honestly, what we do is very unique, not only in the Southeast, […]