Alabama’s Best Barkley Bridge Elementary-Preparing Teachers and Students in STEM Learning

This is the final post in a six-part series recognizing the winners of the Tennessee’s Best and Alabama’s Best Contests. Our previous post featured Tennessee’s Best Grand Prize winner Kingsport City Schools (TN), and the following runners up: Indian Valley Elementary (AL), Maury County (TN), Crestline Elementary (AL), and Lauderdale County (TN). Stay tuned for details […]
Alabama’s Best Award Winner Crestline Academy – Helping Parents Help Their Children

This is the second post in a six-part series recognizing the winners of the Tennessee’s Best and Alabama’s Best winners. Our first post featured Tennessee Best runner-up Lauderdale County. It’s every parent or guardian’s nightmare. You’ve been stumped by your child’s homework assignment. Or, better yet, you know the answer, but you are […]
3rd Annual Alabama’s Best Contest Receives Inspiring Entries

As Alabama students begin their first full week of school in 2017, we would like to recognize the excellent work of those school systems who participated in the 3rd annual Alabama’s Best Contest. We congratulate all those who entered the contest, our two runner-up winners, and our grand prize winner. We hope that learning about […]
Reflecting on 2014 Opportunities and Looking Ahead to 2015
As 2014 comes to a close, we take this time to reflect on the many wonderful opportunities the year provided. Through collaborations with our esteemed partners and with the hard work of our amazing team members, LEAN Frog has been privileged to serve and support students, educators, and communities. I’d like to take a moment […]
LEAN Frog to Facilitate Strategic Planning at Hartselle City Schools
Hartselle City Schools is shaping its path forward and has asked LEAN Frog Business Solutions to assist with strategic planning. The Hartselle City Schools’ Board of Education approved Superintendent Dr. Vic Wilson’s recommendation of LEAN Frog as an external facilitator. LEAN Frog will assist the Hartselle school system with developing a measurable strategic plan that […]