Alabama’s Best Contest Winners Announced at AASB Winter Conference

We always have an exciting time at Alabama Association of School Boards (AASB) events. This year’s Winter Conference was no different. We had the opportunity to interact with Alabama’s very dedicated and hard-working school board members. Our President and Co-founder Byron Headrick gave a wonderful presentation on “The Pitfalls of Poor Strategic Planning” to a […]
From Titans to Therapy Dogs: Enter Alabama’s Best Contest Before Oct. 17 Deadline
A Tennessee Titan visit. A visit from a senator-smooching therapy dog. Hot nutritious breakfasts provided during the summer. Breakfasts and personalized interventions provided on Saturdays. Teaching students and parents the importance of consistent school attendance. Teaching athletes the importance of leadership, character, integrity and discipline. This is a just a sample of the wide range of entries […]
Best Practices in Public Education: More than a Buzzword
You’ve probably seen the Weird Al Yankovich video “Mission Statement” parodying the buzz words that are so commonplace in corporate America (If not click the image below… it’s worth a look). While “Best Practices” may not be the latest vogue phrase in education, it is used frequently. Google “best practices in public education” and you will […]
“Alabama’s Best” Contest Announced by LEAN Frog and Alabama Association of School Boards
Huntsville, AL – (June 9, 2014) – LEAN Frog in association with The Alabama Association of School Boards (AASB) is proud to announce an exciting new contest for Alabama Public Schools. The “Alabama’s Best” Award is for Best Practices and Innovations in non-instructional departments. “Our goal is to shine a bright light on the non-instructional support […]