You may or may not know that prior to moving to the Huntsville/Madison County area, our Sales and Marketing Manager Dave Knowles had a 30 year career in the hospitality industry, working specifically in college and university food service management. Imagine his delight witnessing new generations of young culinary artists work their magic while he and colleague Dr. Jim Kerner (LEAN Frog Lean Consultant) enjoyed the delicious meal Stewarts Creek High School students prepared under the supervision of Ms. Susan Steele (Culinary Arts Director).
Dave and Jim traveled to Smyrna, Tennessee yesterday to support the Mid-Cumberland and South Central Superintendent Study Councils. The Tennessee Superintendent Study Councils are organized to provide an opportunity for the continuous study of problems of the profession and to jointly evaluate, with the Tennessee Department of Education, ongoing instructional programs and recommend changes designed to improve these programs.

Ms. Steele and her team of students prepared and served lunch for the gathered superintendents and guests. Stewarts Creek High School is part of Rutherford County Schools.
LEAN Frog thanks Ms. Steele, her students, Dr. Harrell and Mr. Odom for their hospitality and we thank the Tennessee Organization of School Superintendents (TOSS) for the opportunity to lunch and learn. LEAN Frog is honored to be a TOSS Institute Partner.
Headquartered in Huntsville, AL, LEAN Frog’s mission is to help public schools succeed through increasing the value they deliver to students, parents and communities while fully engaging employees, reducing costs, and building a spirit of continuous improvement.