Everywhere you look there is a top 10 Technology list.  From the top 10 science and technology innovations underway in 2014 (including an underground hotel in Shanghai) to the Tech 10 list of tablets to Time magazine’s recently identified Top 10 Tech Movies of the Millennium (Spoiler alert: Gravity won first place), we are at no shortage of thoughts and tips on technology.  Well, LEAN Frog has a technology tips list too.  However, it’s only a top two list and it goes like this.

  1.  Process first
  2. Technology second

As more and more school systems are looking to technology as the silver bullet that saves the day, we warn against making an investment in technology before understanding exactly what you need.  If not, one of two things usually happens: Districts or departments either overbuy or underbuy technology.  When districts overbuy technology a good portion of the technology goes unused.  Team members do not use all of the features and usually are never able to take the time to learn to use the features.  When districts underbuy technology they find that their purchase is missing critical features that they need.  In many cases software is not used, ad hoc manual systems and processes are put in place or the school system has to make another purchase.  Both overbuying and underbuying technology put a school system’s initiatives (and the financial and other investments behind those initiatives) at risk.

A better way would be to first map and optimize the process for which the technology solution is recommended.  All relevant team members should understand the manual process before attempts are made to automate it or use technology to make the process more effective and efficient.  Basically, everyone should understand the following:

A Process Review
Byron Headrick with client conducting a process review.

For example, candidates (Suppliers) provide their resumes/applications (Inputs) to school systems.  Then the school system evaluates/interviews candidates and makes selections (Process).   The best candidates receive the positions (Outputs).  Students, parents, the community and the school system (Customers) benefit from hiring the best candidates through an efficient process.  If this was a manual process, it could be improved with technology.  However, having a full understanding of the Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs and Customers (SIPOC) and optimizing the process first would ensure the most efficient and effective implementation of technology. ​

When districts map and optimize processes prior to purchasing technology, it allows them to make smarter choices about a technology purchase which in turn allows schools to utilize the technology to its full extent and use it faster. In fact, some technology vendors recommend that schools engage in this process prior to purchasing their software because it means the schools can more effectively use their technology.

So the way we see it, the most important technology list when it comes to schools involves two steps:  Understand the process and then find the technology that fits what you need. Process First, Technology Second.