HUNTSVILLE, AL – Headed by CEO Byron Headrick utilizing his Master Six Sigma certification, LEAN Frog has recently developed a new Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification program to help Greenbeltpublic education administrators and their support teams find more effective solutions to their wide variety of challenges and concerns. This unique new certification program will be made available this summer 2013 and is designed to provide both a detailed understanding of the Lean Six Sigma methodology, as well as how to practically apply the Lean Six Sigma tools within a school or school district.  This new program will be geared to help school staff develop innovative approaches to both educational and operational processes, as well as to provide a tool set to rapidly solve problems and address issues through continuous improvement.

The LEAN Frog team has already made great strides in the field of education working with several school districts in Alabama over the last few years, most notably the Huntsville City School District. Through their work with LEAN Frog, the Huntsville school system was able to find over $7 Million dollars in savings through the application of Lean Six Sigma.

Started in 2009, Lean Frog is a Huntsville-based company that specializes in utilizing Lean Six Sigma approaches to help schools, municipalities and businesses strengthen, streamline and grow their organizations.  It’s “Efficiency made easy.”