Founded in 2009, LEAN Frog’s regional efforts have impacted both large and small school districts! With a foundation in LEAN Six Sigma and a focus on non-instructional school district departments, LEAN Frog performs assessments, Rapid Improvement Events, Organizational Design, and develops Process and Performance Management Systems for school systems — resulting in over $20m of actual savings in Alabama in the past 24 months. Through the one-on-one engagement of personnel, real-time “on-the-floor” review of processes/systems, analyzing data, and facilitating improvements LEAN Frog has assisted forward-thinking Superintendents and Boards of Education in transforming their school districts.
Supporting our esteemed Partners — and exhibiting a passion to always serve our children — LEAN Frog has helped school districts save money, become more efficient, and provide a better quality of life for individual students and communities.
Alabama Association of School Boards (AASB)
By pooling resources through its membership, the Alabama Association of School Boards provides services which one school board could not economically provide alone. Though the association was founded in 1949, AASB adjusts to meet the changing and expanding needs of school boards in the modern-day world. The association provides training, advocacy and a variety of member services covered by dues, and it charges modest fees for bonus, customizable services designed to address specific or distinctive needs.
School Superintendents of Alabama (SSA)
School Superintendents of Alabama is the only association in Alabama for all school superintendents and members of their leadership team, providing a united voice. SSA promotes: public education in Alabama and the nation; is the leading advocate for children and youth in our state; provides a forum for discussion of educational issues and organizational values; provides professional development to promote the efficient operation of the office of school superintendent; develops new superintendents and the superintendent’s leadership team; disseminates to members pertinent information about public education.
Association of Alabama School Business Officials (AASBO)
The Association of Alabama School Business Officials (AASBO) was founded in 1968 as a nonprofit corporation to serve the multifaceted business of education. AASBO began as a volunteer organization that served as a forum for the exchange of ideas and information related to school business management in Alabama, but today has over 900 members and operates under the leadership of an executive director with the guidance of a 9 member Board of Directors. AASBO is a state affiliate of the Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO Intl.) and is dedicated to being the trusted resource for school business officials in Alabama by providing professional development, benefits, and services to the network of members in our organization.
Tennessee School Boards Association (TSBA)
The Tennessee Association of School Boards (TSBA) is a non-profit, private service organization whose mission is to assist school boards in effectively governing school districts. The Tennessee legislature in 1953 officially recognized TSBA as “the organization and representative agency of the members of schools boards of Tennessee” and authorized TSBA to provide services through membership dues paid by school boards. All programs, meetings and services are designed to help school boards and their members to better serve the children in their school system and TSBA also provides school board members a collective voice in matters of legislation and public education concerns.
Tennessee Association of School Business Officials (TASBO)
Founded in 1966, the objectives of the Tennessee Association of School Business Officials (TASBO) are to unite in one school association all school officers whose primary responsibilities are in school business administration and related financial areas.
Tennessee Organization of School Superintendents (TOSS)
The Tennessee Organization of School Superintendents (TOSS) is a primary advocate organization for high-quality education in the state of Tennessee. As an advocate at the state level for education issues, TOSS researches and communicates pertinent information for sound education legislation and studies the impact of legislation on local school systems. The TOSS Leadership Institute provides both new and seasoned leaders professional development opportunities for best practice sharing and continuous improvement. TOSS also provides in state and out of state superintendent search information.
Southeastern Association of School Business Officials (SASBO)
The mission of the Southeastern Association of School Business Officials (SASBO) is to provide networking, professional development and relevant information to promote and advance personnel engaged in positions supporting education in areas of business and administrative services throughout the Southeast. SASBO provides a regional perspective on issues related to business and education administration. SASBO is a valued resource for state affiliates providing professional development to meet the needs of its members.